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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


April 26, 2013
Gannett Auditorium

I. Approval of Minutes - April 5, 2013

II. President's Report - Philip A. Glotzbach

I. Faculty Development Committee - Alice Dean

I. Faculty Development Grants - Spring 2013

II. Q&A with President Glotzbach

III. Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs' Report - Beau Breslin

I. Recognition of Retirees, Resolution, and 2012-2013 Retirement Citation - Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure - Mark Hofmann

IV. Old Business

I. Institutional Policy and Planning Committee - Erica Bastress-Dukehart

I. MOTION - Standards of Business Conduct Policy

II. SBC Frequently Asked Questions

III. Conflict of Interest and Lobbying Disclosure Form

II. Committee on Educational Policies and Planning - Michael Arnush

I. Course Caps

V. New Business

I. Faculty Executive Committee - Barbara Black

I. MOTION - Use of Electronic Polling Technology

VI. Committee of the Whole

I. Faculty Governance

I. Thought Experiment

II. Addendum

VII. Announcements

I. Academic Festival - Catherine Golden

II. MasterClass - Erica Bastress-Dukehart

III. Faculty Sustainability Workshop - Karen Kellogg and Sheldon Solomon

IV. Commencement Reception at Murray Aikins - Beau Breslin

V. Invitation to Community Reception- Beau Breslin