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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


May 16, 2012
Gannett Auditorium


I . Approval of Minutes - April 27, 2012

II. Vice President for Academic Affairs Report - Susan Kress

I. Admissions Report - Mary Lou Bates
II. Dean of the Faculty Report - Beau Breslin

III. Old Business - A

I. Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work- Rik Scarce

I. MOTION - Separation of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work

II. Faculty Executive Committee - Barbara Black

I. MOTION - Membership of the Committee on Academic Standing
II. MOTION - Changes to Faculty Meeting By-Laws
III. MOTION - Changes to Faculty Handbook, 2011-2012

IV. Conferral of Degrees and Honors

I. Graduation Resolution, Candidates for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Degrees - Dave DeConno
II. Honors Resolution, College Honors and Departmental Honors - Corey Freeman-Gallant
III. Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Degrees - Caroline D'Abate
IV. University Without Walls Degrees - Paul Calhoun

V. Old Business - B

I. Committee on Educational Policies and Planning - Josh Ness

I. MOTION - Culture-Centered Inquiry

VI. President's Report - Philip A. Glotzbach

VII. New Business

VIII. Reports

I. Curriculum Commitee - Lisa Aronson

I. IGR Minor

II. Faculty Executive Committee - Barbara Black

I. Committee of Committees Report

IX. Announcements

I. Periclean Scholar Awards - Michael Arnush